For: Faculty of Computer Science and Management at Poznan University of Technology (PUT)
Period: spring 2004, spring 2005 (version 1.1 - new GCSE exams)
I was working on version of 1.0 and 1.1. Current version 3.0, which now covers all PUT faculties and is available at:
Technologies: Java (Servlets, Swing, JDBC), Oracle 10g, XML, Apache Jakarta (Struts, Tomcat, Velocity), XML, XHTML, CSS2, JS
Functional description
The purpose of the Ksantypa system is recording admissions for studies. System should ease admission process initiated by candidates via Internet. Candidate signups him/herself at main site and enters his/her data into database. Then he/she delivers (ex. by post) right documents. After successful verification, by dean's office officer, the data goes to database of Sokrates - the dean's system. Thanks to Ksantypa system, candidate can admit to one or more majors using own computer, and dean's officer receives proper data in electronic form. Thanks to this method university employee don't have to read hand written forms and retype a data, which are tasks causing most of errors. Potential candidates also gain. They don't have to fill complicated paper forms and they can submit from their home.